
Thursday, May 31, 2012

School Days, Part 2

Last week, Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop prompt was to write about what we missed the least about school.  This week, the prompt I have chosen is:

5.) What about school do you miss the most?

I was raised out in the country, in a small town in Virginia.  I had a brother, 3 years younger than me, and parents...a dog, a cat, and one time, a pair of guinea pigs.  The closest family was not within walking distance, and the only other kids my age were a family of boys about 3 miles away, until you got into town.  I rarely had playmates other than my younger brother (who, I was convinced, had cooties!), and it was sometimes pretty lonely.

When I went to school, there were other kids!  I started school in a one-room schoolhouse, with 7 kids in the 1st grade, 7 in the 2nd grade, and 5 in the 3rd grade.  There was one teacher and one lunchroom, and the teacher's husband did the maintenance work that needed to be done.  (I even remember him killing a snake on the playground once.)  I attended that school 2 years before they decided to send the kids to the school in the next town.  That school had 300 kids in the school!  I had hit the jackpot!

Not only were there kids there, but there were different teachers for every class.  I loved most of my teachers, and I was a good student.  In one short jump, I had gone from a lonely little girl from the country to a happy little girl with lots of playmates!

However, to answer the question, what I miss most about school is the innocence.  I miss the safety that we enjoyed - that we could play outside without worrying that there was some perverted, evil person waiting to hurt us.  I miss the belief that friends would be there forever, and no one would go away.   Mostly what I miss about school is the youthful exuberance for life, and the feeling that we would live forever.  Sadly, now I know that isn't true.

Photo taken about 1960, in front of the jet that resided on school property for our entertainment.

Linking to Mama Kat's.


Madamdreamweaver said...

Yup, you're right about that.

eileeninmd said...

I guess they are right saying they were the "good old days". As a child growing up we always played outside and felt safe. I would not even feel comfortable walking in the old neighborhood where I grew up. This generation is more about being plugged in than enjoying the outdoors.

Mimi N said...

I think I miss the innocence even in my generation! Things have changed so much since I was in school!

Anonymous said...

You're so right about the freedom and the carefree times we had. I miss recess!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely post... How true it is.